Media Center

The latest brochures, stories, photos, videos and other current information on the people and products of CLAAS.

Media Center

The latest brochures, stories, photos, videos and other current information on the people and products of CLAAS.

Customer Spotlight:

Jason Friesen | G&B Friesen Farms

Jason Friesen is one tough customer. Not only does this Harley-riding grower manage a 25,000-acre farm and custom straw-baling operation with his brother, Aron, he has to deal with the extreme winter conditions of central Saskatchewan that often infringe on field work. From the large implements needed to raise canola and wheat on a massive scale, to the harsh conditions that further complicate his job, Jason knew it was absolutely essential to find a tractor designed to meet his needs.

When he heard from his CLAAS dealer about a new XERION 12 Series tractor, Jason bought the very first one.

Needless to say, the new 653-hp addition to the Friesen operation has been run through its paces. “When we’re running equipment, we’re using it to its full potential 99% of the time,” explained Friesen. “We push some long hours in the tractors. You’re kinda maxing out the horsepower and hydraulic flow while doing breaking, land clearing, tillage, seeding, harrowing, and running high-speed grain carts. Whatever it takes!”

Friesen appreciates the tractor’s reliability and works to maintain it so that when there is a break in the work and weather, he can spend his spare time on his bike and not in the shop.

Watch his story here: